
  • Happy Healthy Hump Day – Impact of Physical Activity on Health

    Happy Healthy Hump Day – Impact of Physical Activity on Health

    Posted: May 24, 2017   

    Bobbi here again. We have discussed how nutrition and sleep affect our health. Now let’s add physical activity to the mix. The risk factors seem to be essentially the same across all three. Even I was shocked by these numbers. More than 80% of adults do not meet the guidelines for both aerobic and muscle-strengthening […]

  • Happy Companies Make Loyal Employees – The Cost of an Office Bully; First in a Series

    Happy Companies Make Loyal Employees – The Cost of an Office Bully; First in a Series

    Posted: May 23, 2017   

    Unhappy corporate cultures are common and have many costs. Some costs are direct such as high absenteeism and turnover. Far more often, the costs are hidden. Derived from fear-driven actions, these behaviors can damage the company. The following two stories from the book, What Happy Companies Know by Dan Baker, Ph.D, Cathy Greenberg, Ph.D and Collins Hemingway, […]

  • Happy Healthy Hump Day – Who Needs Sleep?

    Happy Healthy Hump Day – Who Needs Sleep?

    Posted: May 17, 2017   

    Bobbi here again. Today, I am going to share about sleep. Like nutrition and physical activity, sleep is a critical determinant of health and well-being. As a working wife and mother of two active elementary school aged children, a good night’s sleep is something I only daydream about. Poor sleep health is a common problem […]

  • Left; Left; Left, Right, Left…for the Babies

    Left; Left; Left, Right, Left…for the Babies

    Posted: May 16, 2017   

    Saturday, May 13; the Roanoke employees and their families participated in March for Babies. Our team raised over $8,600 which is as of today #1!!!!! Woohoo! And, Charlie Webb ($3900+) and Dennie Denison ($2900+) are #1 and #2 for amounts raised by individuals. We got a little exercise and enjoyed the companionship of our co-workers […]

  • Happy Healthy Hump Day: Chronic Kidney Disease is Controllable

    Happy Healthy Hump Day: Chronic Kidney Disease is Controllable

    Posted: May 10, 2017   

    Bobbi, your registered dietitian here. Today, I would like to talk about Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). As I have shared, my first job after finishing college was as a clinician at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh. I counseled parents and children with diabetes and other issues caused by obesity. And, the two major causes of CKD […]

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