Tag: Employee Experience

  • 03 Sep

    How Employee Experience Connects with Customer Experience

    Posted: September 3, 2024   

    Positive employee experience begets customer experience. It’s the circle of life in business, in fact. The concept is simple to follow. Employees, who feel valued and whose wellness at work is a priority of their managers and executives, will have the motivation to produce and treat customers with respect and white-glove service. Any organization who […]

  • 08 Nov

    What Employees Want: Praise and Recognition

    Posted: November 8, 2022   

    “What gets recognized gets reinforced, and what gets reinforced gets repeated.” -Unknown In today’s ultra-competitive work environment, the companies with the winning edge are the ones that have the best-trained and well-skilled staff. However, even the best employees cannot perform well (or may even jump ship) when they are not motivated enough. Praise and recognition […]

  • 12 Sep

    Gen Z: Is Quiet Quitting a Problem or a Wake-Up Call?

    Posted: September 12, 2022   

    Many young employees from Gen Z are taking to TikTok to express their frustration about the workplace and profess their practice of quiet quitting. Essentially, they are remaining at their jobs and still receiving paychecks and benefits, but they are sticking strictly to their the job descriptions and maintaining precise schedules. On social media, some […]

  • 21 Mar

    6 Ways to Reduce Burnout When You’re Understaffed

    Posted: March 21, 2022   

    Question We’ve been both super busy and understaffed recently. Is there anything we can do during this time to help our employees avoid extra stress or burnout before we can hire more employees? Answer Yes. Here are a few things you can do to make this time run as smoothly and stress-free as possible: Remove nonessential work […]

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